
Which Animal Looks Like Duck in Buffalo

Which Animal Looks Like Duck in Buffalo

Many animals with horns can be found on the African continent. Unfortunately, many of these are hunted for their horns. Some species confront nearly extinction purely considering they are animals with horns!

However, millions of these animals still cover the African savanna. There are many graceful herds of the Bovidae family to capeesh. Hither is everything you lot need to know about animals with horns.

Animals With Horns or Antlers?

The semantics of language has resulted in horns existence used to describe the headgear donned past most African animals .

The term antlers refers to the structures on the head of about N America dwelling animals, similar caribou.

It's easy to presume the 2 terms are interchangeable and only exist equally a outcome of American English versus UK English language.

In actual fact, horns and antlers take significant differences in their purpose, structure, growth, and the animals on which they tin can exist found.


Male caribou with magnificent antlers, Toklat River basin

Antlers grow on the Cervidae family of animals, such equally moose, elk and deer.

Antlers are usually covered in a velvety growth as opposed to the difficult keratin of horns.

Over time the velvet texture disappears and the antlers become smooth and shiny.


Pair of blesbok in golden grass, Golden Gate Highlands National Park

Horns, on the other hand, belong to the Bovidae family unit.

This includes diverse species of antelope and gazelle as well as cows, sheep, and goats.

Horns are fibroid and rough. Merely like human nails they proceed to grow throughout an animal'south life, bookkeeping for scrapes and activities that wear them down.

How to Instantly Tell Horns From Antlers

Horns can be distinguished from antlers instantly – horns are i solid structure. They can twist or bend, protrude far or barely show, simply they are also one solid mass. Antlers fan out into co-operative-like shapes or fingered structures.

Discover African Animals With Horns

Thomson's gazelle in purple flowerbed, Amboseli


There are over 14 unlike types of gazelle falling nether the antelope genus every bit a group called Gazella.

Of the xiv, 6 are found in Africa, including the Dorcas gazelle which is found in the Sahara Desert and throughout the Northern regions of Africa.

Grant's gazelle are some of the tallest gazelles, and the slender-horned gazelle is at present an endangered species due to a loss of habitat and human expansion.

Other species of gazelle that are plant in Africa include Speke's gazelle, Thomson's gazelle , and dama gazelle.

African gazelles' horns

Both males and females grow horns (with a few exceptions). However, in many instances the females have shorter horns than the males.

Male gazelles take longer horns than females in guild to win dominance. A ascendant male establishes himself by challenging others with their horns.

Horns also serve the purpose of protecting the fawn (the offspring). It is believed that the females are naturally attracted to males that are equipped with horns for this very fundamental purpose.


Herd of impala feeding on freshly grown grass

The impala is one of the about common antelope species in Africa. They're unbelievably swift runners and their impressive leaps have been measured to be as loftier as 3 metres in the air, and 10 metres in length!

If there is danger nigh, they warning the herd by making a loud barking noise. When food and water are plentiful, they tend to interruption into smaller groups.

When scarcity hits during the dry out flavor, impala come together in groups as big as 100-200 individuals, to search for food and water together.

Impala horns

Only the male impala abound horns. These horns tend to be dark in color and bend outwards from the impala's caput, pregnant the tips are far autonomously.

Being splayed autonomously enables male impala to lock horns with other males when they compete for dominance.

They're usually around lxx cm in length and have ridges. The horns are potent plenty to survive combats between males, simply they are hollow inside, and a cross-section is circular.

Females are able to extend their pregnancy by equally much every bit a whole calendar month if they feel unsafe or if there is too little nutrient available!


Majestic greater kudu with its long spiralling horns

Ane of the largest members of the Bovidae species, greater kudu tin can stand as high as 150 centimetres!

Kudu males (known as bulls) are also hands recognised past their impressive horns. Some of the longest animal horns ever measured and recorded were 180 centimetres in length. And they belong to the kudu.

Only the bulls have horns and then it'south easy to distinguish male person kudu from female person kudu. The females are too far more petite and shorter.

Kudu horns

Kudu horns are majestic and beautiful. They are widely sold for their decorative qualities. Many African tribes also purpose them into musical instruments.

They are hollow, which means they can serve as containers. They're too used in traditional African rituals and practices.

These animals use their horns in gainsay with other males to establish dominance. The spiral shape allowing them to interlock easily.


Gemsbok drinking at a local waterhole in Namibia

There are two main varieties of gemsbok. The southern gemsbok is typically found in arid regions similar the Kalahari. In the open grasslands of the more northern parts of Africa (mainly Due east Africa) you will find the northern gemsbok (oryx).

Gemsboks bask each other's company and more often than not form groups of effectually ten individuals. If food and water become scarce, they form smaller groups or even wander off every bit individuals.

These elegant antelopes tin can be incredibly unsafe, using their horns by lowering the caput and charging. This defense is so lethal they accept piffling need to run from predators.

Gemsbok horns

The gemsbok is sometimes called the sabre antelope, named for the lethal horn which tin spear an opponent or potential threat. In fact, the tips are and so abrupt and dangerous, many African tribes use them as points for their spears.

Both males and females accept horns, although the females' horns are significantly more than slender than the horns of the males. The horns extend fairly straight forrad at an impressive 83 centimetres.


Common waterbuck (male) in tall grass, Moremi

In that location are two species of waterbuck, the defassa and common waterbucks.

They are some of the most foul-smelling animals on the African plains. Their shaggy brown coats secrete an oily substance, presumably for waterproofing, which is incredibly smelly.

Waterbucks live in woodlands, savanna grasslands , and anywhere nearby a stable water source. Living so close to water normally ways they have access to an abundance of food. They tend to graze on the tougher grasses other animals ignore.

Waterbuck horns

Waterbuck horns are long and curve slightly. They never stop growing, which means the length of the horn indicates an brute's age. Only male person waterbucks volition grow horns, the females do not.

The males may utilize their horns to ward off predators and besides to establish dominance when they are sexually mature. In gainsay with other males, the standoff can get intense. Often, the gainsay is only ended when 1 of the two is expressionless.


Springbok portrait at dusk, Etosha

Springboks are ane of the smaller animals with horns in Africa. The females tend to form a herd of their own, where they raise their young.

The herd volition too comprise a few males who have proved their potency. Springboks are named for their impressive leap – as high every bit 3.5 metres!

It is thought that the purpose of these leaps is to distract predators. The proper term is pronking.

Springboks will feed on well-nigh plant types, depending on the season and availability. They prefer plants and flowers with higher water content, but will happily graze on grasses too.

Springbok horns

Males and females have a fix of horns. Their horns are fairly modest in size at effectually l centimetres in length just boast a beautiful blackness colour. They curve backwards and incorporate evenly spaced ridges from the base to the tip.


Male common eland with carmine bee-eater in flight

This brute with horns is the slowest fellow member of the antelope family. Eland are besides i of the largest animals with horns in Africa. They tin can grow up to three metres in length and can weigh upward to 900 kg.

If h2o is very scarce, the eland can really reduce its h2o metabolism by increasing its body temperature. This enables them to survive in the semi-barren terrain of Africa – from Southern Africa up to Ethiopia, Republic of angola, and fifty-fifty Malawi.

In Africa, there is a tendency towards keeping eland in place of cattle. They are hardier and more drought-resistant. Their meat and milk are considered suitable substitutes.

Eland horns

Eland horns are not very long or particularly spectacular, only they serve the eland perfectly. Both males and females abound horns – the males' horns tend to be shorter and thicker and the females' are longer and thinner.

The horns have a twist towards the base and curve outwards to grade a V shape. They tin can usually grow up to lxx centimetres in length.


Endangered bongo in a zoo

There's a belief among certain African cultures that these animals can induce seizures in people. As a result, superstition and beliefs cause them to avoid encounters with bongos.

Bongos are among the larger members of the antelope family. There are two genera of bongo; lowland (western) and mountain (eastern).

They accept excellent hearing and are capable of reaching epic speeds of around 60 km/h when they are pursued past a predator.

The males live alone while the females form groups (herds) and heighten their young together. A grouping typically contains five-40 individuals plus their offspring.

Bongo horns

These animal horns tin reach an astounding 99 centimetres in length! Both males and females are equipped with a set up of twisted, lyre-shaped horns. The horns are more spectacular in the males who tend to have more than twists and girth.


Blue wildebeest close-up portrait

Easily recognised by their anvil-shaped head, wildebeest have become something of an icon when the African plains come to listen. They're nicknamed "the poor man's buffalo".

One of the traits that make them so distinguishable is the size of their herds. When the rains move across E Africa, over 1 one thousand thousand of these animals form the great wildebeest migration and move to fresh pastures.

There are two species of wildebeest and the blue wildebeest is the one most people identify with. It's not blueish, rather, its dorsum is a silver colour while its head is black.

The black wildebeest is similar but much darker all over. From a distance, information technology looks black, but at closer inspection, it is actually brown.

Wildebeest horns

In wildebeest, both males and females abound horns, all the same, the males have essentially thicker and larger horns. An adult male person's horns can reach a width of around 50 centimetres.

The horns are used past the males to impress females. They do this by bellowing and thrashing in a typical display which helps to establish territory.

Greatcoat buffalo

Huge herd of African (Cape) buffalo in Kenya

As well called the African buffalo , this gigantic bovine dwells in the plains of Africa, relishing swamplands and savanna terrains.

They're ane of the largest and nearly successful grazers.

There are 4 subspecies of buffalo including the African forest buffalo, the West African savanna buffalo, the central African savanna buffalo, and the southern savanna buffalo or Cape buffalo.

The largest buffalo weighs around 910 kg – just short of a ton! And they tin can run as fast equally 56 km/h.

Buffalo horns

Buffalo horns are a defining feature on these large beasts.

They're rather ornate and decorative, running along the top of the head earlier curving elegantly off into a abrupt point.

Each horn is joined by a fused base which grows as an extension of the fauna's bone.

Both males and females abound horns. They tend to reach around eighty cm in length (sometimes even more).


Red hartebeest walking in golden morning light, Karoo

"Hartebeest" comes from the words "tough ox". From far abroad, they expect like slightly misshaped antelope.

They have potent family unit groups with an established hierarchy amongst the males. The males will often forego necessary hydration in order to maintain the office of alpha in their territory.

That is because it is mutual for them to return from seeking water to find some other male person has claimed the championship of blastoff.

Convenance season occurs in accord with rains – if there is food and h2o readily available, regardless of the season, they will breed.

Hartebeest horns

These animal horns are around 50 centimetres in length. They curve outwards and away from each other, and so back towards each other.

There are also ridges. Both males and females grow horns and the length of these horns depends on the historic period of the animal, as they grow for their entire lives.

Nubian ibex

Female Nubian ibex standing on the edge of a cliff

The Nubian ibex looks similar a goat with spectacular horns. They dwell around rocky outcrops in mountainous regions, living in social groups of up to 8 individuals (for females).

The males tend to wander alone. Just when breeding season arrives, the males will bring together a female herd for up to eight weeks in club to mate.

To win this privilege, the males must first compete for say-so. For this, they utilize the use of their large and backwards-curving horns.

Nubian ibex horns

The most impressive thing nearly these animals with horns is that standoffs take identify at heights, sometimes on the border of a cliff or a rocky outcrop. Nubian ibex are not only fighting each other –  a single false step and an ibex volition fall to its expiry.

Scimitar-horned oryx

Scimitar-horned oryx, also known as the Sahara oryx, was once widespread throughout North Africa

Also sometimes called the Sahara oryx, this beast has been extinct in the wild since the year 2000.

This was largely due to over-hunting for their horns. Now, they are bred in special reserves. In Chad, in that location has been a successful reintroduction of these animals into the wild.

They require nigh no water for survival which equips them to dwell in arid regions, similar deserts. They don't form available pods or female person herds, but stay together in groups of up to 70 members.

Scimitar-horned oryx horns

Both males and females grow long straight horns which have a distinctive backwards bend. The female person'southward horns are frequently more slender. The horns are a distinctive feature, measuring up to 1.two metres in length.


Rhinos are probably the best-known animals with horns in Africa. In that location are ii main species of rhinocerosthe black rhino and the white rhinoceros. They take go a critically endangered species due to poaching.

Their horns are prized by particular cultures. While in that location are extensive efforts to preclude poaching, it remains a devastating issue which plagues many African national parks and conservation efforts.

Rhino horns

Both rhinoceros species have two horns, though they usually differ in both shape and size.

The black rhino's horns are more than evenly sized and rounded at the base.

White rhinos usually have one large horn and i modest horn. They look a little more 'squarish' in shape too.

The horns are used for self-defense force and likewise to help them find food.

White rhinos are grazers and their horns assist them in finding and consuming depression growing plant matter.

The black rhino is a browser and tends to swallow from trees – leaves, twigs and fruits are its favourites.


Loving 'neck' interaction between two giraffes

Giraffes are all-time known for their long necks and distinctively patterned coats. They only drink water every few days thanks to their nutrition, which is rich in water-dense plants.

Giraffe have four stomachs to assistance them process the roughage and the cellulose-rich plant matter that they consume.

When the giraffe calf is born, it can fall a considerable distance from its mother to the ground. However, within a day a calf is potent enough to run alongside its mother.

Giraffe horns

A giraffe'southward horns are chosen ossicones . The exact reason for their existence is a mystery. Nevertheless, giraffe often utilize these ossicones in self-defense.

They utilise the horns by swinging their heads and necks violently from side to side, oft connecting their enemy with those horns.

Not all giraffes have ii horns, some have three. Ossicones look similar antlers but they're covered with skin – so they're not. They're as well different from horns. They feel similar to the legs of the giraffe, firm simply also slightly fuzzy.

Discovering Africa's Animals With Horns on a Safari

Which fauna with horns is your favourite? The large and majestic, the stinky, or the graceful?

Don't wait too long because some of these animals with horns are already extinct in the wild. And then maybe it's time to go on safari to see these magnificent creatures.

Which Animal Looks Like Duck in Buffalo


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